All our Longevity solutions
Recommendations in 48 hours:
- Nutrition & supplements
- Physical & anti-aging
- Mental & cognitive well-being
- Sports
- Personalized action plan
Longevity Check-Up
This evaluation reveals key biological biomarkers for optimized health and performance, providing tailored recommendations to refine your lifestyle and diet.
Performance Check-Up
A comprehensive and personalized evaluation of your well-being, focusing on creating tailored habits that boost immunity, hormonal balance, and physical and mental performance.
Physical Check-Up
VO2Max assesses oxygen efficiency during exercise to optimize training, while bioimpedance analysis evaluates body composition to tailor health and fitness plans.
Skin Check-Up
The Vasper is a training system that combines compression, cooling, and low-impact intervals to stimulate the body's hormonal response, improving physical performance, sleep, energy, and libido.