Longevity, among the key factors: calorie restriction, intermittent fasting, plant-based diet

La longévité, parmi les facteurs clés : restriction calorique, jeûne intermittent, alimentation à base de végétaux

Longevity , or lifespan, is a growing area of ​​research, particularly as it relates to how people can live longer, healthier lives.

In recent years, the idea has also grown that, in addition to increasing life expectancy , it is equally important to live well into old age.

In this article, we offer you an overview of the subject, which you can explore in more detail at the end of the article, where you will find links to detailed resources on the subject.

Populations living longer

When we talk about long-lived populations, we often use the term “blue zone”.

This term refers to specific geographic or demographic regions where life expectancy is significantly higher than the global average.

This notion emerged when researchers Gianni Pes and Michel Poulain published the results of their demographic study on human longevity in the journal Experimental Gerontology. In their study, they highlighted the province of Nuoro, Sardinia, as having the highest density of individuals living to 100 years or more.

To make their data easier to visualize, the two scientists used maps on which they drew concentric blue rings to mark areas with the highest levels of longevity. This is how the concept of the “blue zone” was born.

1. Okinawa, Japan

2. Sardinia, Italy

3. Nicoya, Costa Rica

4. Ikaria, Greece

5. Loma Linda, California, United States

These areas have been studied extensively to better understand the habits and lifestyles that contribute to longevity.

Main research and studies on longevity:

Many studies focus on the genetic, environmental and lifestyle causes that influence longevity:

  • Genetic studies : Certain genes and genetic pathways appear to play a role in longevity. For example, certain variants of the FOXO3 gene have been associated with longevity in many populations.
  • Calorie restriction : Some studies suggest that calorie restriction (consuming fewer calories while maintaining adequate nutrition) can extend lifespan in several organisms, from yeast to mammals.
  • Intermittent fasting and alternate-day fasting : Like calorie restriction, these practices appear to have beneficial effects on health and potentially longevity.
  • Drugs and Compounds : Certain compounds, such as resveratrol (found in red wine) and rapamycin, are being studied for their effects on longevity.

The most influential people and researchers in longevity include:

  1. Valter Longo: Biologist and researcher who has extensively studied calorie restriction, fasting and their impact on longevity.
  2. Aubrey de Grey: bio-gerontologist and scientific director of the SENS Research Foundation, he is known for his work on strategies to combat age-related damage.
  3. David Sinclair: Professor at Harvard Medical School, he is known for his work on genes, epigenetics and longevity.

Factors influencing longevity:

  • Genetics : About 20-30% of longevity is determined by genetics.
  • Diet : A balanced diet rich in vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins can contribute to longevity.
  • Physical exercise : Regular physical activity has many health benefits and can extend lifespan.
  • Environment and lifestyle : Living in a clean environment, not smoking, avoiding excessive alcohol consumption and managing stress can have a positive impact on longevity.
  • Social connections : Having a strong social network and maintaining positive relationships can have beneficial effects on longevity.

How Prolon and the Fasting Mimicking Diet Affect Longevity

The links between lifestyles and the factors mentioned so far and the diet imitating fasting are multiple:

  1. Calorie restriction
  2. Plant Foods and Supplements for Proper Nutrient Balance
  3. (Diet mimicking) Intermittent fasting
  4. One of the world's leading experts on longevity, he is the founder of the RIJ.

To this are obviously added the other lifestyles and factors mentioned above, which make an additional valuable contribution (elimination of alcohol, sporting activity, etc.).

The result is a diet consistent with the fundamental principles of longevity. Due to its low impact, namely a 5-day diet every 3-4 months, it is particularly sustainable and very useful when combined with other low-calorie diets.

This is just a summary of the large and complex field of longevity research.

Discoveries in this area continue to grow, and many other areas of interest and researchers are contributing to this growing understanding.

As we saw earlier, one of the leading experts in the field of longevity is Professor Valter Longo, creator of the fasting-mimicking diet. A detailed article illustrating the longevity program is available on our blog, while for a more in-depth look at the subject, we invite you to read the book “The Longevity Diet” by Valter Longo (available on Amazon, Hoepli, IBS, La Feltrinelli, etc.).